Blood Collection Kit
- Sample collection kit which only requires a pin–prick amount of blood for quantifying antibodies or autoantibodies
- Obviates conventional blood draw and cold chain
- Leverages sensitivity of Aicone-Protein Array platform
- Enables sample collection during flare-up events


2. Twist off the cap from the lancet

4. Press finger lightly towards the puncture site to obtain blood

6. Insert blood card into the biohazard bag before posting the box back to your service provider
Key Benefits
Open up the economy safely
Business, Travel and Tourism
Nationwide Aicone Biochip Certification
National Immunosurveillance
Vaccine Decision-Making
Conventional antibody sample collection methods require patients to visit a clinical site where a physician would commonly need to draw a minimum of 0.5 ml of blood. This is followed by costly cold chain processes before the sample reaches a test laboratory for assay and analysis. By using a matrix to stabilize antibodies, the SEROMAX kit simplifies this process, enabling shipping at room temperature.
This is then combined with the ultra-high sensitivity of Aicone-Protein Arrays to produce results that are identical to conventionally collected samples. The ability to do remote antibody sample collection, for example at home, at work or at a field site, and to deliver samples to a testing lab at room temperature is incredibly powerful.
Correlation between all proteins in peripheral blood and SEROMAX
Correlation plot matrix between peripheral blood, SEROMAX Day 5 and SEROMAX Day 10. High correlation were observed between peripheral blood and SEROMAX Day 5 and Day 10. Conclusion for SEROMAX on CTA:
- Signal from serum samples eluted from SEROMAX showed >90% correlation with serum samples from peripheral blood of the same patients
- Aging of blood card showed no significant reduction of signal on Aicone-Protein Array-based array
Standard protocol with Aicone-Protein Array only requires 1 microlitre of serum or plasma with a linearity detection in the order of 4 to 5 magnitudes at a picogram detection level. Using the SEROMAX kit allows us to recover sufficient antibodies from whole blood to perform high-plex immuno-profiling assays, with a high correlation (up to 0.98) with assay data on serum prepared by standard methods. One of the most common delays that clinical trials face is in patient follow-up. With SEROMAX enabling at-home sample collection, follow-ups in relevant clinical trials can be simplified, without compromising the quality of subsequent serological assays. SEROMAX also enables monitoring of any flare-up events patients may experience following routine treatments, without requiring regular return visits to a clinic to access a trained phlebotomist.
This kit can benefit researchers working in the COVID-19 R&D space with sample collection for seroprevalence studies and for monitoring of vaccine trials. The utilisation of SEROMAX addresses concerns an individual may have towards enrolment and continued participation throughout a vaccine trial by providing participants an easy alternative without leaving the safety of their home. SEROMAX is highly complementary to the Sengenics range of protein arrays which includes IMMUNOME, OncoREX p53, CTA and Aicone-Protein Array based custom arrays (also such as Aicone Biochip Covid+).